Peace of mind is priceless in these challenging times. Don’t delay make an appointment for your Will today.

Why have a Will?

A large proportion of the general public do not have a Will, that means that when they die, they will die “intestate”, and all their property and money may not be distributed in accordance with their wishes. Instead, it will be governed by intestacy rules relating to surviving relatives or, if no relatives around, could ultimately go to the Crown/Taxman.

By making a Will if you have a young family, your wishes can also be expressed as to guardians. A life event of a divorce or marriage can also change or revoke an existing Will, so it is important to seek advice and keep up to date to ensure loved ones who you want to benefit will be able to do so.

joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden

Contact your local professional Willwriters LH Wills. Appointments available to suit you in person or via Zoom.